I saw some of my doggie friends showing their treats jar. So I want to show you all my treats jar too. But I dont have jar, I only have air tight containers. One contains sunflower seeds, one contains mixed food pellets and the biggest one is treats!

And even when my food treat is filled with food.

I still preferred to be handfed. hee

And even when my food treat is filled with food.

I still preferred to be handfed. hee

Hi Girl Girl!
Wow, you have three treat jars?? And they are bigger than you! Now that's the kind of treat jar I want too!!!
Hope you had a great weekend!!
Wow GG, you got soooooooooooo many treat there!! I do have the air tight container but we seldom use it coz I finish my treats super fast!!!!!!!!!!
You have more treats than us!
Wonder what happen to all of our treats. We have to check with mama. She must have hidden it somewhere.
Boy n Baby
Wish I had so any treat jars! You are soooo lucky!
Waouw you have 3 containers....
I love the last picture ! So cute Girl Girl !
Kisses, Faya
woofies Girl-Girl!!! me thought dat kitty wuz cute too...and u gots a lots of tweats dar...heehee handfeedin iz da best way to git feeded...
b safe,
there is nothing wrong with demanding to be hand fed!
We have no treat jars at all! My mommy loves to eat those sun flower seeds. I thinks he's a hamster!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
oh.. i should work this treat jars post out too... fun.. can we doggie eat ur treats too? they seems crunchy and nice huh
Have a great Christmas and New year. Can't wait to catch up with all the blogs when I get back.
Simba xx
You might have little treat jars but look how many you have!
Thank you so much for voting for us! We really appreciate it!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Girl Girl! Your treat jars are bigger than you! I wish I have a treat jar bigger than me too. Handfeed food taste the best!
hey GG! wow you hav a lot of treats!
btw you've been tagged! check out my bloog to find out more!
Do you fill your pouches with treats then hide them in your cage?
Toodle pip,
Harry x
Gee Whiz, Girl Girl! You got more treat jars than me! Except I could eat up all your treats in like four seconds or something, right?
I think lots of airtight containers are better then one jar since that means more treats.
That must mean you love your mama and love attention!! You are so sweet GirlGirl!
Girl Girl!!
You and Stella are so much alike. She prefers to be handfed too, though she'll eat ANYthing, ANYtime! Eil is sweet to take such good care of you, and you are cute nibbling on you seeds.
Hey, when did you change the name of your blog?
Goober love & smooches,
Hey Girl Girl~ Where did you get the sunflower seeds? I wanna buy some too. =D
The seed of treatment is in the leather sack.
And, it eats girl girl delicious.
A wonderful Christmas card reached.
Thank you girl girl.
A lovely applique is girl girl.
from loved ume tyan
Wow, that is alot of treat treat for you GG... Handfed eh? what a pampered little girl you are.
wow!! wat a supply u got there...i wonder how long can it last u
that's a lot of treats!!!
like my master says: en la variedad esta el gusto (In the variety is the taste) isn't it?
I was planning to show Pearly treat jar too, didn't know that many of you are doing it as well..hehehe
Thewe's nothing as nice as being hand fed..and who wouldn't want to feed you little tweats...you look adowable
smoochie kisses
Three big treat jars? Nice!!! I have to share 1 medium sized treat jar with my sister and my cat brother. You are a very lucky hamster!
Hi GirlGirl
My you are such a cuuuuute hammie!!
You kinda remind me in a way of my mom's sugar glider, Pepper. But Pepper doesn't have a cool pink van like you do!
A big man with a white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge from your fireplace in the middle of the night. Don't bite him.
Wishing You All Merry Christmas
A Happy New Years,
Lot's of Lick's
I can't believe you get three jars, I'm jealous! We only have one and I have to share it with Gracie too! Hope you had a great weekend Girl,Girl!
Woofs, Johann
Girl Girl, you have three treats jars! How lucky are you!
Love and licks
Not only are your treat jars bigger than you, but you have lots of different kinds of treats. All of our treats are the same.
We like to be hand fed too!
Comet and BLU
Hi, Girl Girl
Your are sooo lucky! Three jars! I only have a cardboard box!
I can see how much you like to be handfed!
Have a good night
Oh wow, you are one lucky hamster Girl Girl.
Hey GG,
Are you sure you can finish all those treats? :) hehe...
Hey GG,
Are you sure you can finish all those treats? :) hehe...
Hi GG,
you are one lucky girl to have these treats and also to be handfed ;) Husky the hamster loves to be handfed too ;)
S and C
Hand feeding is the best. Somehow it just manages to taste better.
have a fabulous day
Scrappy and Pebbles
You have three big containers of treats. How sad, I don't have any container or jar. I prefer handfed too, but no one handfed me..
I received your lovely card! Thankyouthankyou!!
Amber :)
Hi Girl Girl
I understand why you like being handfed .. coz you love your mum so much. I pretend I can't get up into the car sometimes just so that my mum will lift me up. Isn't it exciting about the wedding !!
Love from Hammer
i love hamsterrier food too, gg. i also like wabbit food very much. but you've got so much more food for what you weigh – not fair!!!
GirlGirl!! Your treat jars are HUGE! :) Can we share something?
We love the picture with you on the christmas card. You loook tiny and cute!
Momo & Pinot
Hiya Girl Girl
Your lucky to have treat jars. We don't have one but we're working on it.
Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess & Lucy
Aww..you look so happy to get that sunflower seed! CC-man likes to get treats by hand too. So do I!! Sometimes Mom has to feed me my whole dinner by hand, or from a fork. It tastes better that way.
Girl Girl! You have multiple treat jars? You are so lucky!! Man, those sunflower seeds look good. Have a few for me!
Your pal,
Your treats jar is bigger than you! I want a bigger than me treats jar too....
Hmmmmm, those treat jars make our treat shelf seem pretty little. We're gonna make sure our Mom sees this!
Sherman, Penny & Lola
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