Doggies, did you all had a nice
Christmas? I hope you all got
pawsome presents and
yummy treats!

I got a
new toy this Christmas, it's a Christmas
mouse that's about my size. And it squeaks too.. So this is what a
squeaky toy is. I was curious and scare of the toy at first...
Hi, Girl Girl
I hope you had a great day celebrating with your family! Your first squeakie toy! Squeaks... good name!
Have a good night
Merry Christmas, Girl Girl. New squeaky toys can be a little scary at first. We're glad you made friends with Squeaks. What a nice toy.
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches, Bella and Lady, too.
What a great Christmas present, Girl Girl. And I love the name. Glad you had a nice Christmas.
Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Wow GG, that is a great gift!!! You got another frens, a squeky fren. Cool~
I like Squeak! Err, is it a boy or a girl?
Boy n Baby
Merry Christmas, Girl Girl!
- Charlie
Oh, it has a very funny squeak! That name suits it but what about Peep Squeak? Hehehehe!
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
squeaky toys fun!!!!!! nice one u have
Squeaks looks kinda like you Girl girl but she has a funny looking tail!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Girl Girl,
Good to hear you had a good Christmas and that you scored your first squeaky toy. We love that sound that they make.
Jazz and Dixie
A new toy is a stocking filler.
A happy sound is heard. :)
from loved ume tyan
hehehe... first squeaky toy! I'm glad you warm up to it! It is nice isn't it?!
Squeaks is the perfect name for your new toy. Are you able to make it squeak by yourself? We are glad you had a good Christmas.
Comet and BLU
I really like your new cage mate!
Looks like you had a great Chritmas too!
Hey GG...
Merry Christmas!!! I liked squeaks a lot. I think you need to borrow squeaks scarf sometime...it would look great on you!!!
Lots of Licks, Ruby
Wow GGG, your toy is bigger than you. That would be like if they bought me a toy the size of a panther or something. I would be biting my foot! But you are braver than me because you look like you are just curious.
Wow! A giant squeak toy! My squeak toy always get put away because Mom says they annoy the crap out of her. They're so much fun though!
I'm glad you had a gweat Chwissmuss and I love Squeks..he's vewy cute, and just the pawfect sized fwiend fow you..I wish you would have come ovew to my house so you could shawe all my eatables with me.
smoochie kisses
Squeaks is really cute!!! Don't ya just LOVE squeekies!!!!!!! Love A+A
Harrrrr Girl Girl
cool about the squekie toy Harrrr hope your Christmas was Great Harrrr
Cap'n Maverick the Pirate
Looks like you had a great Xmas!! That squeaky monster is HUGE.
Sherman, Penny & Lola
Hi Girl Girl, I am getting caught up on your adventures! You sure got lots of cards for some hamsterrier who didn't play the DWB Card exchange! And, wowie, you got a new vehicle too! You are the most pawpular hamsterrier on DWBs!!!! I hope you had a happy holiday!
Merry Christmas Girl Girl! I love your new squeeky mouse. It is the perfect size for you. Enjoy the world of squeeky stuffies!
Your pal,
Squeaks sure is cute, its ok to be scared at first of things that are new!!
Girl Girl, I adored your new toy. Squeaks is a great name. Your toy is so nice and cute! Hope you have lots of fun with Squeaks!
Love and licks
looks like you had a wonderful Christmas day, have fun with your new friend Squeaks.
Frenchie Snorts
Squeaks is really cute! He is as big as you! Merry christmas!
Girl Girl!
Welcome to the world of squeaky toys! Looks like you and Squeaks got acquainted very well with each other. (If we ever really get to meet snout to snout we'll have to put you up on a table so you can sniff my booty. I'll have to lie down on the floor to sniff yours).
So glad you had a great Christmas! Please give Eil some goob smooches from me, and take some for yourself.
Goober love,
Sweet Girl Girl fren!!
Ooooo! You've gots a squeaky now! He's very cute, and sure knows how to accessorize. Have you tried to pull him around by his tail yet? That is something *I* would try if he came to visit me. I'm sure he won't mind. He's probably used to it.
Glad you had a good Kissiemas! I send more kissies to you, GG!
Gooby love,
Stella Bean Latifah
(Do you like my full name?)
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