Thanks to my doggie friends, I'm now a Honorary member of DogswithBlogs.
How cool is that. I wanna say a BIG Thank You to all my doggie friends who supported me. ;)

I also told the big stuff doggie at home about it
(He still hear news by word of mouth coz he can't use the computer)

Hey, I got something to tell you...

*whisper, whisper...*

Aw... You're happy for me too. Big Hugs.... :)
I hope to make many more friends from the DogswithBlogs website.
And thanks to Buster for declaring me a Hams-ter-rier.
That must be a new breed. Hee. :)
Hey Fu-Fu,
I still think you should be a Hams-ter-dor :-)
Hey, your doggie seem nice.. unlike the BBD at my home.. that irritating doggie!
Errrr... Fu Fu.. your botak patch getting very obvious.. must use tonic to increase hair growth already! But! You are still so cute!!!
That's a cute post with your smiling doggie friend. Congratulations on officially joining the group, little friend :)
I don't know about hair tonic but I can send you some of my hair to use on your back. I'm glad to see that you are listed on DWB! You're as cute as any of us - or maybe cuter!!!
CONGRATS FuFu, much deserved, and you don't know how happy I am to see that you are officially a Hams-ter-rier!! Maybe we need to write to American Kennel Club and Canadian Kennel Club to include this new breed?? I just wonder what would happen in the "Terrier" show ring when there is a Hams-ter-rier......
ps. do you like Corn Pops cereals? Georgie loves them, but not the real corns.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Congratulations FuFu... You are my favorite hams-terrier. gee, we are both from the terrier group!
Hi Opy, Hams-ter-dor does sound nice too. ;)
Jay, it could be due to the hot weather so I keep scratching myself that I'm losing hair there. :(
Hey Butchy & Snickers, it'll be pretty challenging for your mom to make a doggie costume for a hamster.
Hello T-man, glad you like my friend too.
Hey Zach, that sounds like a great idea. My mama always like white color pets, your fur might just work :)
Hi Sunshade, I never tried cereals before. But I think I'll like it since Georgie does.
Hello Joey, my fellow terrier. :) You're my fav JRT.
~ fufu
Congrats FuFu,
Hams-ter-rier, so cool !!!
Wooo! Congrats again!
How about a Hamusky or Hamberian?!
Hello my husky friends. :)
A Hamusky sounds cool too. I love the movie 8 below.
~ fufu
We love you Fu Fu!!!
FuFu I am soooo proud of you!! How about a...dachsham? Kinda has a nice ring to it too and we are close to the same size, hee, hee. I love your bear! It looks like he listens real good and you two are so cute together. Way to go little buddy!
Your proud to know you pal,
Hi Bogart, I like you too. :)
Hey Roo, a dachsham.. cool. Really, I'll intro the big stuff doggie to you some day. ;)
~ fufu
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