I didn't take Witchy Cat's (WC) hat coz then he won't have any halloween costume. *And I secretly think he might be bald underneath, which explains the hat*

Here's me doing a Blair Witch Project pose. Doesn't it look like the real thing. Heee :)

I'm trying to be some sort of tree snail here.

If you look close at this pic, you'll see that I have scary red eyes.

Happy Halloween Everyone! :)
I'm going trick or treating ...

And Singapore dloggers, do go to Jay's blog to check out the Christmas event ok.
Happy Halloween, Fu Fu!
Happy Halloween little buddy! Hope you get lots of goodies to fill up your pumpkin!! Oh, and I love your bunny head, hee, hee!
Your pal,
Lil bunny fu fu!
Howling Halloween lil buddy!
Bussie Kissies
Sending out a Grrrowl!and HAPPY HOWL-O-WEEN.sniff-sniff
Lot's of Lick's
hey fufu,
didn't know your exact size but you kind look "full" in the photo where you are coming out from your house... with RED EYES!
wet wet licks...
You really scared me.
You are too cute to be frightening and this is coming from someone who is scared of her own shadow.
And what a fine shadow it is.
Ooh, I think your pictures are scary. Especially the Blair Witch one and the red eye one!
Just dropped in to wish you a Happy Halloween.
Better watch out for that Chicote character - he'd eat you. But then so would half of us, well, maybe not eat you, ...... HA HA HA ... HAPPY HALLOWEEN ... was that scary enough for you?????
OMG that first photo is TOTALLY Blair Witch Project Fufu..... sent shivers down my spine. Great Howl-o-ween photo tho!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Happy Howl-oween Fu-Fu
Happy Howl-o-ween, Fufu!
I am a bit late, sorry! Happy Halloweeeeeeeeen! Fufu, and grrrrreat to meat you!
Fu-man: SCARY red-eye look! How cool!
Amber thinks you make a cute bunny. And Stormy isn't thrilled with Buster for starting the "Lil Bunny FuFu" thing - it has something to do with our aunt and a song about "Lil Bunny FuFu" and Aunt Janet not being able to carry a tune in a paper bag....
Play bows,
fufu i like your 'snail house'. i need something like that too so that i can hide anywhere and everywhere when i feel like it :) happy halloween! thanks for posting about the christmas event and i asked jay and he said it's ok for me to go too! :) yay!
Happy Halloween to you too Jay. :)
Roo, I did get my treat bag filled up. Yeah...
Hi Buster, I like the Lil bunny fu fu name. haa.
Sam, happy halloween to you too. Hope you got lots of treats.
Boo, I was lying halfway out of my house coz it was hot at night. I'm about 6inches long
Chelsea, of course you got a fine shadow. You're cute too. :) Love your halloween pic
Hey T-man, I really like the Blair Witch pic. It looks crazy dont you think.
Happy Halloween to you too Chicote. Wonder if you got lots of treats?
Zach, that is a really scary thought. Please dont eat me.
Sunshade, happy halloween to you too. Love your bride pics
Charlie, Roxie, Sammy, Andy and Marvin. HAPPY HALLOWEEN to you guys too
Hey Zim, tell me more about the "Lil Bunny FuFu" song. hee
Chiyo, Thanks I love my tree house too. Oh yeah, so happy that you're joining us for the xmas event. Looking forward to see you. :)
~ fufu
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