Try to spot the spider and bat in there. Eil actually made a 'ghost' out of tissue. But I grab the tissue and stuff it into my mouth before she could take any pictures of it. Heee

Then Eil tried to make me wear feathers. I dont know what I'm suppose to be here...?

Then the humans tried to turn me into a rabbit with the bunny head and a purple tail.

Can you see my bunny tail?

Here's a better look.

Hey Fu Fu, Holly here.
I'm really sorry your human has to dress you up in those costumes, just like they sometimes feel the need to dress US up in rediculous costumes. Thank goodness my humans know better! Next time you can try and eat the bunny tail instead of the spoon.
Oops, I forgot to mention, your house looks FABULOUS!
Yes, your house does look fabulous, and the bunny tail gives you a lovely waistline, snicker, snicker, snicker.
if I can squeeze in, I would love to go your house ....
if only ... if only ... if only ...
oh... happy halloween! My M took some photos, I think it'll be up soon, but as usual, I looked ridiculous!
Wow, looks like your all ready for Halloween.
My Mummy made me dress up too.
Simba x
Wow Fufu,look at your slime waist!!! I'm happy with my figure, but I think mum could kills to have a waist like yours....hehe...shhh...dont' tell her I say so!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
hey fufu, i like the rabbit head pic! from afar, the tail looks more like a scrunchy! r u sure that's not Eil's scrunchy?
wet wet licks... to the rabbit head!
Love your haunted house Fufu! Eil did a great job of decorating for you! I love, love, love your bunny foofoo tail!
Your pal,
OOOOh scary haunted house there!
Bussie Kissies
Hey FuFu,
Love the bunny costume! and especially love your little haunted house!! We could see the bat & spider, hehehe!
Have a Happy Halloween!!
Wirey Hugs!
Butchy & Snickers
Hey Holly, Thanks I love my house too. :) Eating the bunny tail sounds good.
Zach, a waistline? I didn't know I had that.
Bond, if you can shrink yourself then you can come to my house to play. :)
Herbie, your halloween pics are cute.
Hello Simba, Happy halloween to you too
Sunshade, maybe if your mum has the same diet as me, she can get the waistline thingy. It'll be just sunflower sead and hamster treats.
Haa Boo, you so clever, How did you know that it was a scrunchy. But Eil bought it just for me. Hee
Roo, really my purple tail?
Buster, you are welcome to visit my house anytime. hee
Butchy & Snickers, I love your halloween outfits. hee
~ fufu
Fu Fu -
I love to stuff tissue in my mouth too. I also like to tear it up and leave it all over the house. I don't know why the girl doesn't like it.
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