I'm very impressed that T-man has his own postage stamp. He sure does look handsome there.

There even is beak chomp from CC-man. heee

Then on Wednesday, when Eil came home she saw this notice. Hey, it's a parcel for me -> FuFu the Hamsterrier. Mama was laughing at how I was going to collect my parcel from the post office as I have no I.D. And what if they ask for my signature, can my paw print do? Good thing when Eil went to collect my package the next day, the post office uncle didn't notice anything out of the ordinary and just pass the parcel to Eil without any question.

And the parcel was from my dear friend Sunshade!!! There were 2 cards, 1 for me and 1 for Eil (current card status. Fufu: 48 vs Eil: 2) And there was a present for me too.

It comes in a box and my own car plate. It's a red FuFuMOBILE. It's so cool, I love it.

Yeah, I'm ready to go for a spin. Who wants to ride with my in my FuFuMOBILE?

Thank You So Much Sunshade. Big kiss for you....Muuuah!

I'm so nice that I let Bibi had a ride in my FuFuMOBILE too. When papa came home last nite, mama even told him that I can drive him to work now that I got a car. Haa... Now, who wanna ride in my FuFuMOBILE. :)
By the way, I haven't been able to comment in my friend's blog for the past few days. I wonder what is wrong... Guys, I've been visiting your blogs. It's just that I can't leave comments. For those who have chatbox, I'll leave a message there ok.
dear fu fu,
we saw a hamsterrier car today and almost bought it for you (good thing we didn't since you already have it!) how do you feel about a hamsterrier tv set? haha. seriously, they had them. anyways, we are tagging you with the christmas tag game, check out our blog to find out what to do next: http://akira-shiro.blogspot.com
Hey Fu fu, you look cool in your new car!
I think the blogger comment problem is their way of forcing everyone to get a google account!
Wow, that's a beautiful FuFuMobile! You are so lucky!! Miss Sunshade sure has great taste.
One more thing.. You've been tagged by the Tobester for this C-mas thingy!~ Check out my blog for the details!~
You're it!
I just love your fufumobile. Isn't Miss Sunshade the bestest! I got your card and loved it. My parents only got 2 cards also. One from a co-worker and one from a car dealer wanting them to buy a car (not a fufumobile).
OH MY GOSH!!! You totally rock in the Fu Fu Mobile!!!
FuFu we think your FuFuMobile is the coolest thing ever! Now Bibi needs a BibiMobile!
Happy holidays, FuFu and Bibi.
That is a very nice red car. Now you have a "Fufu's mobile"
Boy n Baby
Fufu! I love your Fufumobile, it is just the coolest! I wish I had one of those!
You look absolutely adorable in it!
Awesome ride! That Sunshade is THE coolest!
Fufu - what a wonderFUl gift from Ms Sunshade. She is so amazing and thoughtful - just like all the females.
For all those who cannot comment on BETA, you have to get a gmail account.
hey fufu,
excuse me! i need a ride to tell santa paws. how much are you gonna charge me?
wet wet licks
You're own car, how cool is that!!!
Are you going to let Bibi have a go?
Simba x
Hey Akira & Shiro, a hamsterrier tv set? Seriously?? ok the xmas tag right. Got it.
Hi Turbo, Thanks. Yeah now I gotta have a google account. *grumbles*
Toby, yes I love the FuFuMobile too. Ok the xmas tag right. :)
C-K-C, great! I got your card too. Does your parents car come in a box like mine?
Hey Boomer, thanks. :)
Happy holidays to you too Yoshi and Tsuki. Bibi can share my car.
Boy n Baby, I know. It's so cook isn't it.
Hey Holly, I bet you look cool if you have your own HollyMOBILE too.
Butchy & Snickers, of course you guys can have a ride. Now, how do I get to your place...
Zach, I know. Sunshade is a great doggie. :)
Scuba, I totally agree with you. Love her gifts.
Boo, I'm not charging you anything. You're my friend. Yeah, let's go find santa paws. er.. you know how to go?
Simba, I know. This is so cool. Bibi can sit in the car sometimes. :)
~ fufu
awwwwwwwww Fufu you look so adorable in your Fufumobile. Miss Sunshade finds the neatest gifts!
Hi Fu Fu,
That's a cool car and the colour suits you! You look real dashing.. (more so then Bibi)!! Umm.. can I take a ride in the FuFuMOBILE??
Psst...I have been having problems with leaving comments too.. %$!*&^%$#@
Hey FuFu,
Just letting you know that you have been nominated for "Photo of the Month" Award over at the Bone Zone. Head on over and cast your vote :-)
Styling babe!! You can take the mini me for a ride, I don't want to crush your brand new car you know....
MUAH! Love you lots, and your mama (not Eli) is so funny... so are you driving your papa to work now?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hey Fu Fu
Thanks for visiting my blog. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply but my mum had an emergency.
My mum REALLY loved your Christmas card.
And I love your Fufumobile. Can I come for a ride with you ? Talking of rides, I'm an adventurous fellow like you and I've heard you go to lots of places around the world. Will you call by sometime and pick me up. Whatever you do, don't tell my mum. She panics enough about me already.
Hope to keep in touch lots from now on.
Love from Hammer
We want to ride in the FufuMobile too but we don't think we will all fit! You look perfect in it. Be careful driving papa to work!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Are you old enough to drive?
Bussie Kissies
WOW, Fu! Your own set of wheels? How cool ARE you!?!? And it's even got a sun roo-f. Can I go crusin' with you?
Play bows,
PS: Make sure you check our blog today!
Ooh, you look so cool in that car. Now Eil will need to get you a driver's license too! (CC-man has one but he has no car)
I'm glad you like my postage stamp. CC-man was excited to see you posing with his chomp. We're glad the chomp found its way to you :)
Hey Fu! Wasn't that just the greatest for SunShade to send you a special package with your own Fu-Fu-mobile? She is a sweetie, isn't she? And you look so kewl in your special little car.
Festive Wags-
9 days till Santa!
that picture of you in your car is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen, and I do own a mirror, so that is saying something!!
Sunshade sure is super.
Fufu you are tooooo coooool little buddy! I agree that your Fufu mobile is probably the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life...WOO-HOO! It's soooo nice of you to let Bibi take the FufuMobile out for a spin! I'd love to go for a ride with you anytime you're free and not out pickin' up chicks in the FufuMobile!
Your pal,
P.S. I voted for you for picture of the month!
Fu Fu, I LOVE your FuFuMobile!! That is so cool you have your own car now! Such a lucky dog you are!
p.s. You have been holiday tagged. Check out my bloggy for info.
That is an awsome FuFuMOBILE!!!
Thanks Maggie, I love my FuFuMOBILE too.
Huskee, sure I'll give you a ride in my FuFuMOBILE. I hate what blogger is forcing us to do too. *grumbles*
Hi Opy, Thanks for the info. :)
Sunshade.. Maybe I can park my FuFuMOBILE in your SunShadeMOBILE then we can go cruising. ;) Nope papa can't fit in my car :P
Hey Hammer, thanks fot stoping by. Ok, I'll let you know if I'm going for a ride. :)
Roxie, Sammy & Andy, Thanks I love my car. I wish I can fit you 3 inside.
Buster, that's a good question. Hum... let me check with my traffic police and get back to ya.
Zim, yes of course you can ride with me in the car. I did saw your blog. :)
T-man, opps I need a licence to drive? Yeah I'm glad that CC-man personalized the card
Isabella, yeah Sunshade is such a great doggie
Thanks Joey, you are really cute too.
Hi Hana, thanks I'll check your blog on the tagging. :)
Hello Tigersan. yeah! isn't it a cool ride?
~ fufu
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