It has a cute little white doggie on the cover. Hee.. Just nice for all the cards from my DWB buddies. I've gotten 8 new cards over the last 2 days which makes 23 cards now. The 8 new cards are from Jay, Scuba, Joey & Tanner, Mackie, Holly, Aramis & Carbi, Salchica & Lilly and Russell & Jojo.

I've got some puzzling questions about the xmas cards that I sent out.. Most of the spore doggies have gotten it. And some overseas friends like Simba, Marvin, Toby, Fei and Sunshade have gotten theirs recently. So how come my friends that stay nearer to me like Chiyo (she's in spore too) and Boo (he's just 5 hr drive away in Malaysia) have not gotten their cards yet. Hum.. somebody is not working... Post Office Uncle! I'm looking at YOU! You better not make me send mafia Bibi to you... (Grrr..)
Special Note to Singapore dloggers :Those who are coming to the x'mas party event as mentioned in Jay's blog. We have found a place for the event. Can you please email to us at dwbxmas06@hotmail.com to indicate the number of doggies and humans you are bringing along and we will email you the details. :)
Maybe the post office are jealous because you have so many friends and have stolen the cards.
Simba xx
Hey Fu Fu,
I just got your card today and I LOVE IT! I particularly love my personalised Christmas stocking. Now there's no way that Santa Paws can miss me.
Thanks again, dude. You're one dog-dang fab dooog, ummmmm, hamsterrier.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
fufu, papa joked that "those countries need to use plane while they use bike to send to m'sia!" hehehe!
see, tin tin in Oz oso got it oredi!
what? chiyo is not getting it too? but boy n baby got it what? do u think they've misplaced it?
wet wet licks
What! So strange. we wonder whether Chiyo has got our card then.. cos only u and Herbie seem to have receive our card. Hmmm...i think we should join forces and bite the mail man.
Boy n Baby
It's a conspiracy...they are afraid that animal bloggers will take over Singapore!
I see at Macie & Malechai's site you wondered if snow was yummy. Well the answer is definately "Yes"! I love to eat snowballs!
I haven't gotten my Fu card yet....
Bussie Kissies
Fufu- I haven’t gotten your card yet- BUT I did get Butchy and Snickers cute card with you snuck in the middle! How clever of you!
Your pal, Mackie
Fu Fu: I love that picture of you! You have a nice pink nose like me!
Play bows,
PS: You can sail with me on my pirate ship ANY time, pal!
lil Fu Fu!
OHHHh I got your card the other day! BIG GIANT BULLDOG LICKS TO YOU! I love it.. thank you so much.. plus I can't believe you hand-stitched my name on it! You made my day :) What a great card <3
And I thought Bibi was just an innocent lazy hamster. The fact that he operates a mafia hamster network makes him kind of scary. He must be very powerful!
Hey Fufu, I wish I lived where you live so that I can join your festivities.
Sounds like fun.
But, then again anything with you would be fun.
Fufu, I'm so glad you got my card! I can't wait to get yours!!
We have problems here in the states with the post office people too. My human's mom lives 350 miles away in Minnesota, but it takes 4-5 days for mail to get to her. Mom always complains that she could have WALKED it there faster than that!!
Hi Fu Fu,
I hope I am not to be blamed for the lateness of some of your cards.. I never fail to bark at Mr Postman when he delivers things to my house. Do you think he finally had enough and went on strike?? (In case you are wondering, nope, I did not bite him okay!)
Ok, I promise I'll be nice to him when he comes back...
Hey Simba, Oh no.. I hope the post office people dont read our blog and found out what we have been up to. :P
Hi Tin Tin, So happy that you got my card. Do say Hi to Santa Paws for me when he comes visit you.
Boo, seriously!? They use bike to get mails to Malaysia? I hope not. *cross paws and hopes that mails did not get lost*
Boy n Baby, did you ask Chiyo if she got your card. Hum... maybe we should do something about the post office uncle.
Hey Indy, hee.. It's a great idea for the animal bloggers to take over Singapore.
Hello Lucy, really. hum... I wish I get some snow to eat. I love yummy stuff.
Hey Buster, hum.. I dont think anydoggies in USA got my card yet. Probably gotta wait a few more days. *make your mailman work faster*
Mackie, I got your card.. You look so cute in there. :)
Hi Zim, Yeah we got lots in common. Alright! When do we get to sail.
Hello Study Dudley, Yeah! great that you like my card. :)
Hey T-Man, you do not wanna mess with Bibi...
Chiyo, I'm worried too. Where did my card to you go?? Lazy Mr Postman. *sulks*
Hey Chelsea, yeah it'll be great if you can join us. It'll be a really fun pawty!
Holly, yeah the way the post office works is still a mystery to me...
Huskee, I'm sure you were just 'greeting' the postman. Maybe Mr postman got his bonus and went on holidays already...
~ fufu
Hi fufu, we just got your card today. You look so cute in it, and the card is so beautiful! We love the stockings with our names on them. The girl didn't give us stockings of our own, and now we have some. Even with your tiny hands, it must have taken you a very long time to glue on all the stars and circles. Our girl even loves it - especially since it is purple! Thank you!
BLU and Comet
Hi Fu Fu,
I'm still waiting for your card!!!A big man with a white beard and a very loud laugh may emerge from your fireplace in the middle of the night. Don't bite him.woof-woof
Lot's of Lick'
I got your card yesterday and I really like it. My mom and dad were quite impressed with the little stockings you made with our names on them. Thank you so much for the card!
Hey BLU and Comet, glad you got the card already. Purple is Eil's fav color.
Hi Sam, I'm sure the card to you is on the way. No worries I dont bite. Bibi does however...
Hello Boomer, Yeah you got my card too. Glad you liked it. Sorry about shortening Annie's name
~ fufu
Hi Fufu,
I'm sorry, I thought I had left a comment, but my 'puter must have lost it! Darn 'puter! I haven't got your card yet, but I'm sure it will be here any day now. I can't wait! Mine is on it's way to you too, so be on the look-out little buddy! I told Momma I want a folder for my cards too!
Your pal,
Hello Roo, I hope the post man deliver my card to you SOON...
~ fufu
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