This is my friend Huskee. He sure does look cute and handsome here

And HappyFamily, here's a picture of Bibi since you missed him. Hee
He's suppose to welcome people to Singapore with that postcard. (I hope he look friendly) More details about that in a later post.

My DWB calender has arrived. But they mailed me the wrong version. I wanted the 2nd version where my friend Sunshade, Boo, Fei were in. I've emailed them but no reply from Cafepress yet. What do you guys think I should do. :(
*Update on the Cafepress calender. I've got a friend who indicated that she likes the version that I have. So I'll pass the calender to her instead of returning it to Cafepress. (Yeah, saved the hassle) Eil has to wait till Monday before she can check her office email on what Cafepress reply is. (toopid home pc that used 56k dial-up sucks) I hope they can offer us a discount if we re-order again. :) Thanks for all my friends' concern, you guys are the BEST!
~ Fufu
oh no! i just got my DWB calendar too. i've been waited since 26th nov! their 8-10 days international delivery surely didn't meet the deadline! anyway, i got the correct one but YOU DIDN'T! oh no! you just wrote them? it's early morning over there, wait for 24 hours later or few more hours for them to wake up and do some work. LOL
if you ship back to them, it will take you another 14 days to wait for your correct calendar. do you wanna get another one then but maybe with further discount since it's no fault of yours. have you check your email they sent to you confirming your order?
please let us know what your decision.
wet wet licks
Boo, I've ordered on 23 Nov. My email to them has been more then 24 hrs. Grr... hope they at least get back to me to tell me what are my options.
~ fufu
That's just silly Fufu, they should exchange it at no charge. I think you should take it to the post office and tell them to "return to sender". That way it won't cost you any return post. However, you have to let Cafepress know that they sent you the wrong versino and you are sending the calendar back for exchange.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Stupid calender people, hope you get it sorted out.
Simba xx
Hey Fu-Fu,
So sorry that STUPID Cafe Press messed up your calender order. We haven't really been happy with the service that they have provided to us - and next time I think we will definately look at other options. I mean, the calenders are great - but their service is shocking.
Anyway, please email me if you don't get a response from them in the next day, or if they are being unco-operative, they should really send you the right calender at no charge. Let me know please, if you have no luck - I will personally send you the RIGHT calender. I really hate it when things like this happen - people spend their hard earned money, and it all gets messed up :-(
Thanks buddy,
PS - some of our Aussie pals have got your card, but we are still waiting :-( Stupid postal system !
I'd bug them again! I should hope they'd send you a second calendar free of charge. Paws are crossed!
I'd bug them again! I should hope they'd send you a second calendar free of charge. Paws are crossed!
Hey Fu Fu,
I spotted you at 20 paces.
Silly Cafepress people. As Opy and others say, keep at 'em, and you deserve one free of charge.
We'll send the heavies in if you're having problems.
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Hey Fufu,
We checked the store order history and you definately ordered the right calendar. Cafe Pressed goofed up royally!
Like Opy said, if you dont have any luck with them, let us know and we will send you the right calendar at no charge.
Sorry dude,
FuFu, I'm so happy to see you got my card!~ As for the calendar mix-up, I really hope Cafepress will do the right thing and send you the correct one at no charge.
Hey lil Fu, I can bite em if the need arises!
Bussie Kissies
Oh Fufu,
You and the Huskee Boy card make one good looking picture!
Murph the Dog
Oh no.. they got it mixed up. Hope that they will get back to you soon or maybe you should get Bibi to contact them.
Boy n Baby
Great cards! Sorry to hear about the calendar snafoo!
Fufu where are you putting all your cards? Are you hanging them up in your tree trunk? You're adorable as always, little pal!
Your pal,
You are so cute! I added you to my blogroll. I hope you don't mind.
fufu. you are too cute with your awesome cards! heheh!
Have a great weekend Fufu! I made something for you!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi Opy & Charlie, Thanks for your help. Woh Charlie, you can check the store order history? *I'm impressed* I'll get Eil to check her office emails again on Monday (Our home pc can't seem to access it) We hope to work out something with Cafe Press too. Hum.. stupid post office. I hope they deliver my card to you soon...
~Thanks fufu
Hi everyone. Thanks for all your concern on the calendar. We hope to be able to work something our with CafePress.
~ fufu
I can see you, FuFu!
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey FuFu! We got your card and WE LOVE IT! We mailed our international cards on Tuesday morning (5 Dec) so hopefully you will get it before Christmas. We saw you in the picture! Sorry to hear about the caledar mix-up. We were lucky. We got our order just like we wanted.
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
I got your card! I am in Arizona!!!! :)
Hi Fu Fu!
Wow - I can't believe that little stocking with MY name on it!! Thanks for the wonderful card!!
- Charlie
Fu Fu!Fu Fu!Fu Fu!Fu Fu!Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. It came it was in the mail today.What a wonderful little stocking.I just love it.FuFu check this out ..is that you ..http://www.hamsterdance.com/classxmas.html.Happy Holidays,woof-woof
Lot'a of Lick's
Fufu - your mom should of let you run free in order to lick and sniff your christmas cards....especially since I put my trademark saliva on each and every one of mine.
Hi Fu Fu
My mum cried when she received your beautiful Christmas card. You're a really cool looking hamster and it's great to meet you. I'm only new to DWB but my mum and I already feel DWB wouldn't be the same without you. You look pretty neat on the train too.
Fu Fu, You have been tagged. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to list six weird things about yourself. You can check out my blog to see what to do! Woofs (squeaks?), Finny
pretty soon you won't be able to see the light of day with all your wonderful cards! i see that there is another hamster blogger now? on your sidebar it mentions someone named "Baruchito"?
akira and shiro
I saw you in the first picture!
Hmmm...usually Cafe Press is good about getting back to you.
Hello Amber, glad you can spot me. Have you guys received my xmas card yet?
Hey Roxie, Sammy & Andy, glad you got my card already. Seems that some of the other doggies have not gotten it. Bad postman. :(
HI Joey, I got your card too. ;)
Charlie & Sam, glad you guys like my card. Haaa, Sam that's a lot of hamsters dancing there.
Chelsea, yes your card does look yummy.
Hi Hammer, you're a cute doggie too.
Hello akira and shiro. Yeah I dont think my house is big enough for all the cards. Yeah, Baruchito is a link to Luna and Nana. They are also bloggin hamsters.
Hello Indy. Glad you spotted me. :)
~ fufu
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