And even better news is CafePress replied. And they are gonna issue a replacement order at no extra cost. Yeah, I'm so happy that I'm getting the right calender. A big thanks to all my friends for their suggestions and help.

I'm so happy that I wanna get out and dance.

PS, that's Rain (Eil's idol) on TV but hey, I think I can dance better then him.
Update, here's proof that I can dance well (thanks to sunshade hee)
Ofcourse you are a great dancer?
Did you even have to ask??
ah, you are escaping! quick quick, someone close the gate! fufu, we know you can dance, we seen you dance before... oops! my bad, that was yoga!
great news! tell you a secret but better don't let the cafepress staff know about this - they sent me an additional calendar 2 but only charging me once. now i have 2 calendar 2!!!
wet wet licks
woah you are pretty good at getting out of that cage!! I am sure you are a sweet dancer!
Thanks Chelsea, you know me so well. :)
Hi Boo, I'm not escaping. I want a closer look at the TV. *Whisper* really Boo yeah for you, ok shh... dont let the cafepress people know.. sh..
~ fufu
Hi Fu Fu,
I love the card you made for me! Did you stitch the stocking yourself? You are adorable. :-)
With Love,
Miss Nugget
Boogie on down lil Fu!
Bussie Kissies
Hey Joey, thanks. Hee.. I like to climb in my cage, it tones my arms.
Hello Ms Nugget. Glad you got my card. Nope the needle looks pretty dangerous to me. I got Eil to help me sew all the stockings. ;)
Hello Buster. You boogie too? :)
~ fufu
Oh let's see, Fufu! I'm sure you're much lighter on your feet than Rain.
By the way, you might want to ask Miss Sunshade and Boo about your chatbox. I think they have a confession to make (don't tell them you heard it from me!)
Influence on ballet: supreme dancer, Twinkle Toes that what you are .sniff-sniff
Lot's of Lick's '
heheh fufu, we never pictured you as a cage dancer! shake it!
Glad to hear that Eil is feeling a bit better.
Comet and BLU
heheh fufu, we never pictured you as a cage dancer! shake it!
Glad to hear that Eil is feeling a bit better.
Comet and BLU
hehehe fufu, we didn't know you were a cage dancer! shake it!
Glad to hear that Eil is feeling better.
Comet and BLU
We are also glad to hear Eil is feeling better. Being sick is no fun. We love your card! We have been showing it to everybody. We mailed yours on the 4th or 5th. We hope it gets to you in time!
Roxie, Sammy & Andy
Hey Fu-Fu,
Great news about Cafe Press :-) And so they should send you a new one for free !
We got your card yesterday - thanks SO much, it is so sweet with our names on the stockings :-) We will treasure it always.
I got your card, Fu! Your Humans did a wonderful job of creating your card- it is super! Thanks!
Festive Wags,
We are glad to hear that Eil is better now.
U dance well.. can teach us? We know nuts about dancing.
Boy n Baby
T-man, I saw what they did. ew...
Hey Sam, oh i like the Twinkle Toes part.
Comet and BLU, Eil says thanks. Hee. cage dancer, wonder if I can go dance in vegas.
Hello Roxie, Sammy & Andy, glad you guys liked my card. :) I'm sure I'll get getting yours soon
Chiyo, I can only squeak. I wish I can sing too
Opy, yeah that's very good news from Cafepress. And yeah that you got my card. Glad you liked it. :)
Hello Isabella, great you got my card too. I designed it. hee. But of course I gotta get my human to do the actual work. :P
Hey Boy n Baby, sure I'll teach you dancing. :)
~ fufu
Wow, look at you, shakin' that thang! You are a great dancer, FuFu!
Please tell Eil that we hope the yuckies go away soon!
Congrats on the new calendar!
I love to dance too! Maybe we can shake it together some day! I promise not to eat you!!!
Hey Ronak, Eil say thanks. I hope she gets all well soon too. I'm sure Ronak is a great dancer too
Hey Zach, ok but you gotta promise not to squash me while dancing too. hee
~ fufu
Fufu, you were upside down!! Glad you got the calender sorted out.
Simba x
Go Fufu! Shake your booty, shake your booty! I love to dance too! We should all get together and head out to a club/disco! Glad Eil's better, that must have been terrible, but you did a good job taking care her!
Your pal,
Hi Simba, yeah I can dance even when I'm upside down. Hee
Roo, you can dance too. We should have a dwb dancing pawty.
~ fufu
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