Friday, July 28, 2006

Bibi is a baby

You might have already know that my neighbour Bibi got his name because he is like a baby.
How? you might ask can a hamster act like a baby???

Well for starters, he looks like one when he lie down on his back. And he's so chubby...

Then, he drinks water from his water bottle just like how a baby would...

So now you know how he get his name. And in case you think Bibi is real cute.
Here's prove that I'm way.... cuter. :)


Jay said...

Bibi so cute!!! Really like Joy Joy... she also very cute!

Fu Fu said...

Sob sob.. Nobody loves me...

Anonymous said...

Hi meilyn_mae and Jay,

Thanks for saying I cute.
Hum.. maybe I should start my own blog now that I have fans. hee
And meilyn_mae, hope you like fufu's blog so far.

* Bibi *

Ippo456 said...

Both are cute!!
Bibi is cute because he's chubby & you're cute because of your stripe :-)