Monday, July 17, 2006


Woh, on saturday the ladies of the family brought back sunflowers.
I wonder where they get them from. The flower are really big and pretty. I wonder if they will dry out the flowers then get sunflower seeds from there.

Hum.. wonder if I can smuggle 1 of the sunflowers to my little house then I can get supplies of seeds. heee


Jay said...

Fu Fu... the sunflowers so heavy. How are you going to lift one? You so small only...

Fu Fu said...

Hi Jay,

Wah the sunflower very big. Maybe you can come and help me move 1 to my house. heee

~ fufu

Jay said...

Fu Fu, let me hint to J, see if she wants to bring me to your house or not...

Fu Fu said...


Too late, they throw away the sunflower yesterday liaoz.
Maybe next time if you come visit me, you can sneak in something for me. hee

~ fufu