Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Too early!

It rained real early this morning and the loud thunder woke me up. You can tell from the picture that I'm still sleepy as my eyes are still closed... zzz..

I came out peek if there's any food. What?! Why is my bowl empty. No food yet..

How come nobody tell me got hay stuck in my ears. I look so untidy...

Finally after 30 mins, my eyes open up more.. But I'm still sleepy. It's too early... I wanna go back to sleep.


Tigersan said...

Oh Fufu... it looks like you need a coffee bean!

Fu Fu said...

Really Tigersan, what does coffee bean taste like?

~ fufu

Joey said...

fufu.. you looked like a pig in the first two pics!

Fu Fu said...

Really Joey??
No wonder sometimes they call me Piggy Fu. So sad...

~ fufu

Tigersan said...

The only coffee me had was of the Starbucks kind...

it tasted like caramel ;)