Before the family had
me and
Bibi, they had 5 other
hamsters already. But all 5 are in
hamster heaven now. I didn't get to meet all of them, but when I came into the family 2 of them are still around. I thought it'll be nice to introduce them to my friends. Sorry for the blurry pictures as Eil's photography skills were real
lousy back then.
First hamsters to come into the family are a pair of
Roborovskis. They were given to the family from their neighbour. They were very
small in size and can run very

The girl hamster (left) was call
Jerry (nickname Jer-jer)
The boy hamster (right) was call
Ah Pui (nickname Pui-pui)
(see Jerry sleeps belly up too)Jerry was such a sweet girl and never bites Eil but she grew a growth from her tummy and went to hamster heaven in about a year.
Pui-pui was like a bad tempered old man. He's such a grumpy hamster but he lived the longest at more then 2.5 yrs. I even met him when I came into the family.
Next to come to the family were 3
siblings of
Winter Whites that were given to Eil from her
colleague last time. The funny thing is their parents are both pearl white, yet they produced a batch of 2
pearl white and 3
sapphire babies. The family adopted both the white babies and 1 grey sapphire.

The sapphire boy hamster (left) was call
Gu-zai (nickname Ah Gu)
The pearl girl hamster (middle) was call
Whitey (nickname White-ti-ti)
The other pearl girl hamster (right) was call
Sleepy (nickname Sleep-pi-pi)
So at one point of time, there were 5 hamsters in the family. The 3 siblings got alone well in the beginning. Then
Ah Gui gang up with Whitey to bully
Sleepy so mam had to seperate them at later stage.
Whitey was the funny one in the group who loves to jump from toys and chew stuff. She lived for about 1.5 yr.
(Whitey happily smiling)
Ah Gu was the greediest one of the lot, he was even fatter then Bibi. He was papa's favourite so he was given lots of treats. He lived a little longer then 1.5 yr before he went to hamster heaven.
Sleepy was mama's favourite girl and would lie still to let mama stroke her back. She lived for about 2 yrs and was still around when I came into the family.
Then next,
I came into the family around Feb 2005. And as some of you might already know, I was given to the family from their cousin.
Bibi was bought from a pet shop by Eil. He came into the family around Aug 2005 but when he came in the other 5 hamsters were no longer around. So I'm the only other hamster that he know of.
So here's the hamsters that the family had and we hoped that the 5 of them had a good life when they were living here and are all now in
hamster heaven together with each other.